Submissions from 2023
Frequent vascular access thrombosis in a patient with end stage kidney disease on hemodialysis., David Kearney, Amanda Leonberg-Yoo, and Raphael Cohen
Temporarily implanted nitinol device versus prostatic urethral lift for minimally invasive surgical treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia with lower urinary tract symptoms: a matching-adjusted indirect comparison., Kenneth M. Kernen, Shalina Omar, Bradley Goodnight, Paul Skodny, Stuart Bruce, and Tiffany M Yu
Real-world Practice Stone-free Rates After Ureteroscopy: Variation and Outcomes in a Surgical Collaborative., Hyung Joon Kim, Stephanie Daignault-Newton, John Michael DiBianco, Bronson Conrado, S Mohammad Jafri, Brian Seifman, Jeremy Konheim, Casey A Dauw, and Khurshid R Ghani
The Diagnosis of Urinary Tract Infections Using a Novel At-home Testing Protocol to Enhance Telemedicine: A Retrospective Analysis., Andrew Korman, Siddharth Ramanathan, Nathan Shen, Zachary A. Gerndt, Natalie Luke, Dakun Wang, Hannah Zhao, Shuguang Huang, Rajan Dewar, Kirk Wojno, Larry Sirls, Savitha Balaraman, and Howard Korman
A Diagnostic Test Combining Molecular Testing with Phenotypic Pooled Antibiotic Susceptibility Improved the Clinical Outcomes of Patients with Non-, Howard J. Korman, David Baunoch, Natalie Luke, Dakun Wang, Xihua Zhao, Michael Levin, David L Wenzler, and Mohit Mathur
Multiplex Polymerase Chain Reaction/Pooled Antibiotic Susceptibility Testing Was Not Associated with Increased Antibiotic Resistance in Management of Complicated Urinary Tract Infections., Howard J. Korman, Mohit Mathur, Natalie Luke, Dakun Wang, Xihua Zhao, Michael Levin, David L Wenzler, and David Baunoch
Long-Term Outcomes of Gender Assigned at Birth in Differences of Sex Development, Aron Liaw, Abubakr Ziaullah, and Michael Wang
Hemorrhagic cystitis: a review of management strategies and emerging treatments., Kevin D Li, Charles P Jones, Nizar Hakam, Bradley A Erickson, Alex J Vanni, Michael B. Chancellor, and Benjamin N Breyer
Early Three-month Report of Amniotic Bladder Therapy in Patients With Interstitial Cystitis/Bladder Pain Syndrome., Raghav Madan, Codrut Radoiu, Aron Liaw, Steven Lucas, Alaa Hamada, and Nivedita Dhar
Who Is Shaping the Future of Academic Urology? A Descriptive Analysis of Residency Program Directors, Taylor Malchow, Nicholas J. Corsi, Sami E Majdalany, Austin J. Piontkowski, Matthew P. Corsi, Brett Friedman, Mohit Butaney, Ivan Rakic, Sohrab Arora, Marcus Jamil, Deepansh Dalela, Emily Brodowsky, Akshay Sood, Kevin B. Ginsburg, Craig Rogers, Humphrey Atiemo, and Firas Abdollah
Effect of outflow resistance on intrarenal pressure at different irrigation rates during ureteroscopy: in vivo evaluation., Ron Marom, Julie J Dau, Timothy L Hall, Khurshid R Ghani, Marne M Louters, Hyung Joon Kim, Nikta Rezakahn Khajeh, and William W Roberts
Thermal Safety Boundaries for Laser Power and Irrigation Rate During Ureteroscopy: In-Vivo Porcine Assessment with a Ho:YAG Laser., Ron Marom, Julie J Dau, Timothy L Hall, Khurshid R Ghani, Marne M Louters, Hyung Joon Kim, Nikta Rezakahn Khajeh, and William W Roberts
A Multi-center Prospective Cohort Study of Endoscopic Urethral Realignment Versus Suprapubic Cystostomy after Complete Pelvic Fracture Urethral Injury: Comparison of EUR versus SPT after PFUI., Benjamin J McCormick, Sorena Keihani, Judith Hagedorn, J Patrick Selph, Bradley D Figler, Niels V Johnsen, Rodrigo Donalisio da Silva, Joshua A Broghammer, Shubham Gupta, and Frank N Burks
Impact of the bladder detrusor muscular ring on lower urinary tract symptoms due to benign prostatic hyperplasia: A quantitative MRI analysis., Kiran R Nandalur, David Walker, Hong Ye, Sayf Al-Katib, Brian Seifman, David Gangwish, Abhay Dhaliwal, Ervin Connor, Kayla Dobies, Channing Sesoko, Wesley Dejoie, Bernadette Zwaans, Sirisha Nandalur, Jennifer Nguyen, and Jason Hafron
Treatment of neurogenic detrusor overactivity and overactive bladder with Botox (onabotulinumtoxinA): Development, insights, and impact., Victor Nitti, Cornelia Haag-Molkenteller, Michael Kennelly, Michael Chancellor, Brenda Jenkins, and Brigitte Schurch
The Clinical Association between Aspergillus fumigatus and Respiratory Outcomes in Adolescents and Adults with Cystic Fibrosis, Anna L O'Dea, Rui Feng, Laurel J Glaser, Christina Kubrak, Ronald C. Rubenstein, Daniel J Dorgan, Denis Hadjiliadis, Steven M Kawut, and Gina Hong
High Prevalence of Dysplastic Development of Sacral Vertebral Arches in Pediatric Enuresis., Hideo Ozawa, Takakuki Shibano, Isao Tanaka, Toshitaka Taniguchi, Michael B. Chancellor, and Naoki Yoshimura
Building a Roadmap for Surveillance of Renal Masses using a modified Delphi Method to help Achieve Consensus., Amit K Patel, Mohit Butaney, Brian R Lane, Samantha Wilder, Anna Johnson, Ji Qi, Yuzhi Wang, Lindsey Herrel, Bradley Rosenberg, and Brian Seifman
Reply by Authors, Roshan Paudel, Raghav Madan, Ji Qi, Stephanie Ferrante, Michael L. Cher, Brian R Lane, Arvin K George, Alice Semerjian, Kevin B. Ginsburg, and Michigan Urological Surgery Improvement Collaborative
A Preliminary Report Assessing the Reasibility and Effectiveness of Amniotic Bladder Therapy in Patients With Chronic Radiation Cystitis, Codrut Radoiu, Julian Jeberaeel, Raghav Madan, Nitin Vaishampayan, Steve Lucas, Alaa Hamada, and Nivedita Dhar
Positive Impact of Implementing a Comprehensive Genetic Testing Protocol for Prostate Cancer Patients in a Multi-disciplinary Uro-oncology Practice. Letter., Siddharth Ramanathan, Andrew Korman, Howard Korman, and Savitha Balaraman
IsoPSA Performance Characteristics are Unaffected by 5-Alpha Reductase Inhibitors or Alpha-Blockers: Results From the IsoPSA Validation Study., Jason M. Scovell, Mark Stovsky, Alan Partin, Yair Lotan, Jack Baniel, Martin Dineen, Jason Hafron, Kannan Manickam, Marc Pliskin, and Matthew Wagner
Guideline Compliance Regarding Chest Imaging of Suspicious cT1 Renal Masses in MUSIC-KIDNEY, Alice Semerjian, Kevin Ginsburg, Ji Qi, Anna Johnson, Sabrina Noyes, Craig Rogers, and Brian R. Lane
Development of an implant technique and early experience using a novel implantable pulse generator with a quadripolar electrode array at the tibial nerve for refractory overactive bladder., Larry T. Sirls, Amanda Schonhoff, Angela Waldvogel, and Kenneth M. Peters
Nocturnal polyuria and nocturia., Shachi Tyagi and Michael B. Chancellor
Reply by Authors., Mark D Tyson, David Morris, Juan Palou, Oscar Rodriguez, Maria Carmen Mir, Rian J Dickstein, Félix Guerrero-Ramos, Kristen R Scarpato, Jason M. Hafron, and Edward M Messing
Safety, Tolerability, and Preliminary Efficacy of TAR-200 in Patients With Muscle-invasive Bladder Cancer Who Refused or Were Unfit for Curative-intent Therapy: A Phase 1 Study., Mark D Tyson, David Morris, Juan Palou, Oscar Rodriguez, Maria Carmen Mir, Rian J Dickstein, Félix Guerrero-Ramos, Kristen R Scarpato, Jason M. Hafron, and Edward M. Messing
Safety and efficacy of vanzacaftor-tezacaftor-deutivacaftor in adults with cystic fibrosis: randomised, double-blind, controlled, phase 2 trials., Ahmet Z Uluer, Gordon MacGregor, Pilar Azevedo, Veronica Indihar, Claire Keating, Marcus A Mall, Edward F McKone, Bonnie W Ramsey, Steven M Rowe, and Ronald C. Rubenstein
Development and Optimization of a Subtraction-Normalized Immunocyte Profiling Signature for Prostate Cancer Active Surveillance Risk Stratification., Leander Van Neste, Ricardo Henao, Kirk J Wojno, Jorge Signes, Jessica DeHart, Angela Busta, Elyse Marriott, Marian Willing, Andrea Argentini, Jason Hafron, and Howard Korman
Cost-effectiveness of routine type and screens in select urological surgeries., Joshua Volin, Joshua Daniel, Brianna Walter, Patrick Herndon, Deanna Tran, James Blumline, Aviv Spillinger, Patrick Karabon, Craig Fletcher, Adam Folbe, and Jason Hafron
Upgrading on Per Protocol Versus For Cause Surveillance Prostate Biopsies: An Opportunity to Decreasing the Burden of Active Surveillance, Michael Wang, Andrew Lange, David Perlman, Ji Qi, Arvin K. George, Stephanie Ferrante, Alice Semerjian, Richard Sarle, Michael L. Cher, Kevin B. Ginsburg, and Michigan Urological Surgery Improvement Collaborative
Amniotic Bladder Therapy in Patients With Recalcitrant Interstitial Cystitis and Bladder Pain Syndrome, Sophie Wittenberg, Raghav Madan, Aron Liaw, Steven Lucas, Alaa Hamada, and Nivedita Dhar
Prolonged impacts of COVID-19-associated cystitis: A study on long-term consequences., Sophie Wittenberg, Jack Vercnocke, Michael B. Chancellor, Sorabh Dhar, Aron Liaw, Steven Lucas, and Nivedita Dhar
Platelet Lysate Therapy Attenuates Hypoxia Induced Apoptosis in Human Uroepithelial SV-HUC-1 Cells through Regulating the Oxidative Stress and Mitochondrial-Mediated Intrinsic Apoptotic Pathway., Zong-Sheng Wu, Hou-Lun Luo, Yao-Chi Chuang, Wei-Chia Lee, Hung-Jen Wang, and Michael B. Chancellor
Review: Mammalian Target of Rapamycin (mTOR) Pathway Is Critical in Developing Most Renal Cell Tumors, Kevin J. Zhang, Zhenhong Qu, Elan Pszenica, Jason M. Hafron, Ping L. Zhang, and Robert E. Brown
Submissions from 2022
Multi-institutional review of non-hypospadiac penile urethral stricture management and outcomes., David Abramowitz, Andre-Philippe Sam, Mark Pachorek, Nora Ruel, Francisco Martins, Javier Angulo, Jay Simhan, Eric Li, Dmitriy Nikolavsky, Connor Policastro, Frank Burks, and Zubin Shetty
Patient- and Surgeon-Level Variation in Patient-Reported Sexual Function Outcomes Following Radical Prostatectomy Over 2 Years: Results From a Statewide Surgical Improvement Collaborative., Nnenaya Agochukwu-Mmonu, Ji Qi, Rodney L Dunn, James Montie, Daniela Wittmann, David Miller, Rabia Martin, Tae Kim, William K. Johnston, and James Peabody
First-Time Submassive Pulmonary Embolism Likely Caused by Testosterone-Enhancing Supplement., Hazem Alakhras, Brent R. Yelton, and Hamza Beano
Editorial Comment., Michael B Chancellor
Prospective Multicenter Comparison of Open and Robotic Radical Prostatectomy: The PROST-QA/RP2 Consortium., Peter Chang, Andrew A Wagner, Meredith M Regan, Joseph A Smith, Christopher S Saigal, Mark S Litwin, Jim C Hu, Matthew R Cooperberg, Peter R Carroll, Eric A Klein, and David P. Wood
Variation and Correlation in Postoperative Imaging After Shockwave Lithotripsy and Ureteroscopy by Treatment Modality: Results of a Statewide Clinical Registry., John Michael DiBianco, Stephanie Daignault-Newton, Bronson Conrado, S Mohammad Jafri, Howard Korman, Jeremy Johnson, Khurshid R Ghani, and Casey A Dauw
The role of testosterone in men's health: is it time for a new approach?, Ananias C Diokno
Re: Safety, Tolerability, and Efficacy of LiRIS 400 mg in Women with Interstitial Cystitis/Bladder Pain Syndrome with or without Hunner Lesions, R Evans, A Kohan, R Moldwin, D Radecki, T Geib, and K M. Peters
The Outcomes of Pelvic Fracture Urethral Injuries Stratified by Urethral Injury Severity: A Prospective Multi-institutional Genitourinary Trauma Study (MiGUTS)., Kiarad Fendereski, Benjamin J McCormick, Sorena Keihani, Judith C Hagedorn, Bryan Voelzke, J Patrick Selph, Bradley D Figler, Niels V Johnsen, Rodrigo Donalisio da Silva, and Frank N. Burks
A modified Altis ® mid-urethral sling that allows immediate post-operative adjustment: experience in 197 patients, Brett J Friedman, Jennifer Nguyen, Annah Vollstedt, Mireya Diaz, Ly Hoang Roberts, and Larry T Sirls
Normal Tissue Integral Dose as a Result of Prostate Radiation Therapy: A Quantitative Comparison Between High-Dose-Rate Brachytherapy and Modern External Beam Radiation Therapy Techniques., Vincent P. Grzywacz, Jessica D Arden, Nikhil P. Mankuzhy, Gary S. Gustafson, Evelyn A. Sebastian, Veronica L. Abbott, Kailee J. Walters, Julie A. Puzzonia, Amy S. Limbacher, Jason M. Hafron, and Daniel J. Krauss
Commentary on Outcomes of Single-Port Robotic Transvesical Partial Prostatectomy for Localized Prostate Cancer, Jason Hafron
Case discussion: 66-year-old man with low-volume prostate cancer, Jason M. Hafron
Roundtable discussion: 68-year-old man with mHSPC, Jason M. Hafron
Real-World Effectiveness of Sipuleucel-T on Overall Survival in Men with Advanced Prostate Cancer Treated with Androgen Receptor-Targeting Agents., Jason M Hafron, Helen M Wilfehrt, Christine Ferro, Matt Harmon, Scott C Flanders, and Rana R McKay
Treatment Intensification Patterns and Utilization in Patients with Metastatic Castration-Sensitive Prostate Cancer., Elisabeth I Heath, Gregory E Dyson, Frank C Cackowski, Jason Hafron, and Isaac Powell
Appropriateness Criteria for Ureteral Stent Omission following Ureteroscopy for Urinary Stone Disease., Spencer C Hiller, Stephanie Daignault-Newton, Ivan Rakic, Susan Linsell, Bronson Conrado, S Mohammad Jafri, Ronald Rubenstein, Robert Elgin, and J Rene Frontera
Clinical validation of IsoPSA, a single parameter, structure-focused assay for improved detection of prostate cancer: A prospective, multicenter study., Eric A Klein, Alan Partin, Yair Lotan, Jack Baniel, Martin Dineen, Jason Hafron, Kannan Manickam, Marc Pliskin, Matthew Wagner, and Aimee Kestranek
Long COVID and COVID-19-Associated Cystitis (CAC)., Laura E. Lamb, Ryan Timar, Melissa Wills, Sorabh Dhar, Steve M Lucas, Dragana Komnenov, Michael B. Chancellor, and Nivedita Dhar
Real-World Prostate-Specific Antigen Response and Treatment Adherence of Apalutamide in Patients With Non-Metastatic Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer., Benjamin Lowentritt, Gordon Brown, Dominic Pilon, Lorie Ellis, Guillaume Germain, Carmine Rossi, Patrick Lefebvre, Kenneth Kernen, Paul Sieber, and Neal Shore
Pudendal Neuromodulation is Feasible and Effective After Pudendal Nerve Entrapment Surgery., Kristen M Meier, Patrick M Vecellio, Kim A Killinger, Judith A Boura, and Kenneth M Peters
Elimination of postoperative narcotics in infant robotic pyeloplasty using caudal anesthesia and a non-narcotic pain pathway., Kristen M. Meier, Anna Zheng, Zach H. Rollins, Kwesi A. Asantey, Mit D. Shah, Andrew B. Banooni, and Zachary J. Liss
Chronic Pelvic Pain, Quality of Life, and Patient Satisfaction After Robotic Sacrocolpopexy for Pelvic Organ Prolapse., Nimesh Patel, Priyansh Faldu, Mohamed Fayed, Hannah Milad, and Pradeep Nagaraju
Exploring Variation in the Receipt of Recommended Active Surveillance for Men with Favorable-Risk Prostate Cancer., Archana Radhakrishnan, Lauren P Wallner, Ted A Skolarus, Arvin K George, Bradley H Rosenberg, Paul Abrahamse, and Sarah T Hawley
Incomplete bladder emptying and urinary tract infections after botulinum toxin injection for overactive bladder: Multi-institutional collaboration from the SUFU research network., William Stuart Reynolds, Anne M Suskind, Jennifer T Anger, Benjamin M Brucker, Anne P Cameron, Doreen E Chung, Stephanie Daignault-Newton, Giulia I Lane, Alvaro Lucioni, Arthur P Mourtzinos, and Priya Padmanabhan
Determination of Irrigation Flowrate During Flexible Ureteroscopy: Methods for Calculation Using Renal Pelvis Pressure., Nikta Rezakahn Khajeh, Timothy L Hall, Khurshid R Ghani, and William W Roberts
Development of an automated laser drilling algorithm to compare stone ablation patterns from different laser pulse modes., Nikta Rezakahn Khajeh, Timothy L Hall, Khurshid R Ghani, and William W Roberts
Botulinum Toxin for Neurogenic and Non-neurogenic Bladder Pain, Ly Hoang Roberts and Jason P. Gillean
Incidence of New or Worsening Overactive Bladder Among Patients with a Prior SARS-CoV-2 Infection: A Cohort Study., Ly Hoang Roberts, Bernadette M M Zwaans, Kenneth M. Peters, Michael Chancellor, and Priya Padmanabhan
A rare case of pure N4-acetyl-sulfamethoxazole nephrolithiasis associated with trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole treatment of pulmonary nocardiosis., Andrew Shanholtzer, Alexander Geisenhoff, Mit Shah, and Sugandh Shetty
Post orgasmic illness syndrome successfully managed with antihistamine: A case report., Andrew Shanholtzer, Jacob R Stephens, Carl Lauter, and Kenneth M Peters
A Cost, Time, and Demographic Analysis of Participant Recruitment and Urine Sample Collection Through Social Media Optimization, Prasun Sharma, Laura E. Lamb, Sarah N. Bartolone, Elijah P. Ward, Joseph J. Janicki, Kenneth M. Peters, Nitya Abraham, Melissa Laudano, Christopher P. Smith, Bernadette Zwaans, and Michael B. Chancellor
Prospective, Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled, Pilot Study of Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy for Detrusor Underactivity/Underactive Bladder., Yuan Chi Shen, Chien Hsu Chen, Michael B. Chancellor, and Yao-Chi Chuang
Hereditary cancer risk assessment and genetic testing in the community urology practice setting., Neal D. Shore, Lauren Lenz, Elizabeth S. Cogan, Diana Iliev, Lizzie Spencer, Darl D. Flake, Stephanie Meek, Thaylon Davis, Karen Copeland, Robert Finch, and Howard Korman
Intradetrusor OnabotuliniumtoxinA injection for refractory bladder spasms before vesicovaginal fistula repair., Evan Sirls, Kenneth M. Peters, and Larry T. Sirls
A novel approach to vulvodynia using targeted neuromodulation., Jacob R Stephens and Kenneth M Peters
Evidence for Early Cyclosporine Treatment for Hunner Lesion Interstitial Cystitis., Annah Vollstedt, Lauren Tennyson, Katherine Turner, Deborah Hasenau, Md Saon, Teresa McCartney, Dana Beck, Jason Gilleran, and Kenneth Peters
Using social media to crowdsource collection of urine samples during a national pandemic., Elijah P Ward, Sarah N Bartolone, Prasun Sharma, Michael B Chancellor, and Laura E Lamb
Increased extracellular matrix stiffness accompanies compromised bladder function in a murine model of radiation cystitis., Bernadette M M Zwaans, Marissa Grobbel, Alexander L. Carabulea, Laura E. Lamb, and Sara Roccabianca
Submissions from 2021
Clinical and Radiographic Factors Associated With Failed Renal Angioembolization: Results From the Multi-institutional Genitourinary Trauma Study (Mi-GUTS)., Manuel Armas-Phan, Sorena Keihani, Nnenaya Agochukwu-Mmonu, Andrew J Cohen, Douglas M Rogers, Sherry S Wang, Joel A Gross, Ryan P Joyce, Judith C Hagedorn, Bryan Voelzke, Rachel A Moses, Rachel L Sensenig, J Patrick Selph, Shubham Gupta, Nima Baradaran, Bradley A Erickson, Ian Schwartz, Sean P Elliott, Kaushik Mukherjee, Brian P Smith, Richard A Santucci, Frank N. Burks, Christopher M Dodgion, Matthew M Carrick, Reza Askari, Sarah Majercik, Raminder Nirula, Jeremy B Myers, and Benjamin N Breyer
Evaluation of Patient- and Surgeon-Specific Variations in Patient-Reported Urinary Outcomes 3 Months After Radical Prostatectomy From a Statewide Improvement Collaborative., Gregory B Auffenberg, Ji Qi, Rodney L Dunn, Susan Linsell, Tae Kim, David C Miller, Jeffrey Tosoian, Richard Sarle, William K. Johnston, Eduardo Kleer, Khurshid R Ghani, James Montie, and James Peabody
Urinary Incontinence and Alzheimer's Disease: Insights From Patients and Preclinical Models., Sarah N. Bartolone, Prasun Sharma, Michael B. Chancellor, and Laura E. Lamb
Concordance Between Antibiotic Resistance Genes and Susceptibility in Symptomatic Urinary Tract Infections., David Baunoch, Natalie Luke, Dakun Wang, Annah Vollstedt, Xinhua Zhao, Dicken S C Ko, Shuguang Huang, Patrick Cacdac, and Larry T. Sirls
Toward a Validated Diagnostic Test with Machine Learning Algorithm for Interstitial Cystitis., Michael B. Chancellor and Laura E. Lamb
Use of Botulinum Toxin in the Genitourinary System., Michael B. Chancellor and Christopher P Smith
MP29-15 Covid-19 Associated Cystitis (CAC): Increased Urinary Symptoms and Biomarkers of Inflammation in Urine in Patients with Acute Covid-19, Michael B. Chancellor, Melissa Wills, Ryan Timar, Sarah N. Bartolone, Nevedita Dhar, Sorabh Dhar, Dragana Komnenov, and Laura E. Lamb
Which measurement method should be used for prostate volume for PI-RADS? A comparison of ellipsoid and segmentation methods., Robert Colvin, David Walker, Jason Hafron, Brian Seifman, Sirisha Nandalur, David Gangwish, and Kiran R. Nandalur
Upper Tract Transitional Cell Carcinoma: Diagnostic and Therapeutic Considerations, Raoul S. Concepcion, Jason M. Hafron, Joelle Hamilton, and Jeremy D. Handel
Impact of Late Dosing on Testosterone Suppression with 2 Different Leuprolide Acetate Formulations: In Situ Gel and Microsphere. An Analysis of United States Clinical Data., E David Crawford, Jason M. Hafron, Scott T. Tagawa, Przemyslaw W. Twardowski, Richard G. Harris, Judd W. Moul, Thomas E. Keane, Raoul S. Concepcion, Celestia S. Higano, Lucio N. Gordan, Daniel P. Petrylak, Chaundre K. Cross, A Karim Kader, and Neal D. Shore
Relief of Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms After MRI-Guided Transurethral Ultrasound Ablation for Localized Prostate Cancer: Subgroup Analyses in Patients with Concurrent Cancer and Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia., Dean Elterman, William Li, Gencay Hatiboglu, James Relle, Kevin C Zorn, Naeem Bhojani, and Joseph Chin
Current Advances in Neuromodulation Techniques in Urology Practices: A Review of Literature., Bulent Erol, Yavuz Onur Danacioglu, and Kenneth M. Peters
Safety, Tolerability, and Efficacy of LiRIS 400 mg in Women with Interstitial Cystitis/Bladder Pain Syndrome With or Without Hunner Lesions., Robert Evans, Alfred Kohan, Robert Moldwin, Daniel Radecki, Till Geib, and Kenneth M. Peters
Improved global response outcome after intradetrusor injection of adult muscle-derived cells for the treatment of underactive bladder., Jason Gilleran, Ananias C Diokno, Elijah Ward, Larry Sirls, Deborah Hasenau, Jennifer Giordano, Evelyn Shea, Sarah N. Bartolone, Laura E. Lamb, and Michael B Chancellor
A Statewide Quality Improvement Collaborative's Adherence to the 2017 American Urological Association Guidelines Regarding Initial Evaluation of Patients With Clinical T1 Renal Masses., Kevin B Ginsburg, Kyle Johnson, Tudor Moldovan, Henry Peabody, Ji Qi, Rodney L Dunn, Craig Rogers, Alon Weizer, Sanjeev Kaul, Anna Johnson, Michael Traver, and Brian R Lane
International Society for the Study of Women's Sexual Health (ISSWSH) Review of Epidemiology and Pathophysiology, and a Consensus Nomenclature and Process of Care for the Management of Persistent Genital Arousal Disorder/Genito-Pelvic Dysesthesia (PGAD/GPD)., Irwin Goldstein, Barry R Komisaruk, Caroline F Pukall, Noel N Kim, Andrew T Goldstein, Sue W Goldstein, Rose Hartzell-Cushanick, Susan Kellogg-Spadt, Choll W Kim, Robyn A Jackowich, Sharon J Parish, April Patterson, Kenneth M. Peters, and James G Pfaus
Small Fiber Polyneuropathy in Hunner Lesion and Non-Hunner Lesion Interstitial Cystitis/Bladder Pain Syndrome., Esther Han, Kim A. Killinger, Katherine M. Turner, Jason Gilleran, Danielle Tenney, and Kenneth M. Peters
Nephrectomy after High-Grade Renal Trauma is Associated with Higher Mortality: Results from the Multi-institutional Genitourinary Trauma Study (MiGUTS)., S Mitchell Heiner, Sorena Keihani, Benjamin J McCormick, Elisa Fang, Judith C Hagedorn, Bryan Voelzke, Alexander P Nocera, J Patrick Selph, Chirag S Arya, Rachel L Sensenig, Michael E Rezaee, Rachel A Moses, Christopher M Dodgion, Margaret M Higgins, Shubham Gupta, Kaushik Mukherjee, Sarah Majercik, Brian P Smith, Katie Glavin, Joshua A Broghammer, Ian Schwartz, Sean P Elliott, Benjamin N Breyer, Clara M Castillejo Becerra, Nima Baradaran, Erik DeSoucy, Scott Zakaluzny, Bradley A Erickson, Brandi D Miller, Richard A Santucci, Reza Askari, Matthew M Carrick, Frank N. Burks, Scott Norwood, Raminder Nirula, and Jeremy B Myers
Ureteroscopy in Patients Taking Anticoagulant or Antiplatelet Therapy: Practice Patterns and Outcomes in a Surgical Collaborative., Spencer C Hiller, Ji Qi, David Leavitt, J Rene Frontera, S Mohammad Jafri, John M Hollingsworth, Casey A Dauw, and Khurshid R Ghani
Initial Experience Using a Novel Nerve Stimulator for the Management of Pudendal Neuralgia., Ly Hoang Roberts, Annah Vollstedt, Joshua Volin, Teresa McCartney, and Kenneth M. Peters
Race, Ethnicity, Neighborhood Characteristics, and In-Hospital Coronavirus Disease-2019 Mortality., Jianhui Hu, Christie M Bartels, Richard A Rovin, Laura E. Lamb, Amy J H Kind, and David R Nerenz
Partial Nephrectomy Should be Classified as an Inpatient Procedure: Results From a Statewide Quality Improvement Collaborative., Kyle Johnson, Brian R Lane, Alon Z Weizer, Lindsey A Herrel, Craig G Rogers, Ji Qi, Anna M Johnson, Brian D. Seifman, Richard C Sarle, and Michigan Urological Surgery Improvement Collaborative
Prospective analysis of transvaginal mesh hysteropexy in the treatment of uterine prolapse., Salil Khandwala and Jason Cruff