Frequently Asked Questions | Beaumont Health Scholarly Works and Archives | Beaumont Health Research

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Beaumont Scholarly Works?

The Beaumont Scholarly Works digital repository collects peer reviewed journal articles, book chapters, books, conference presentations and posters published by Beaumont Health authors. The repository is a service of the Beaumont Medical Library. Research and scholarly output included here has been selected and deposited by the Medical Library staff for individual hospital departments and centers on campus.

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Is Beaumont Scholarly Works available to the public?

Yes. Beaumont Scholarly Works is an open repository and can be freely viewed by the public, but some full text article links are restricted to Beaumont affiliated users.

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Who can submit to Beaumont Scholarly Works?

Current medical staff, employees, residents, fellows, research scholars and affiliates of Beaumont Health. For more information feel free to email us at

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Why should I submit my research to Beaumont Scholarly Works?

Beaumont Scholarly Works will help to maximize the visibility and accessibility of your research, and hence the usage and impact of your work.

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How do I submit my work to Beaumont Scholarly Works?

Click on the Submit Research link located on the left-hand side of the home page of the repository. Fill out the request form or email us at

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