
Submissions from 2019


Role of microRNAs, circRNAs and long noncoding RNAs in acute myeloid leukemia., Yan Liu, Zhiheng Cheng, Yifan Pang, Longzhen Cui, Tingting Qian, Liang Quan, Hongyou Zhao, Jinlong Shi, Xiaoyan Ke, and Lin Fu


Preventative care in cholestatic liver disease: Pearls for the specialist and subspecialist, Adnan Malik, Ani A. Kardashian, Kais Zakharia, Christopher L. Bowlus, and James H. Tabibian


Peripherally Embolizing Aortic Thrombus: The Work-Up, Management, and Outcome of Primary Aortic Thrombus., Ramy Mando, Robert Gemayel, Ashish Chaddha, Julian J Barbat, and Elvis Cami


Slippery Stents: A Case Report and Review of the Literature Describing Patients with May-Thurner Syndrome That Experienced Stent Migration., Ramy Mando, Priscilla Sigua-Arce, Lisa Spencer, and Alexandra Halalau


A Propensity Score-Matched Cohort Analysis of Outcomes After Stereotactic Radiosurgery in Older versus Younger Patients with Dural Arteriovenous Fistula: An International Multicenter Study., Nasser Mohammed, Yi-Chieh Hung, Zhiyuan Xu, Robert M Starke, Hideyuki Kano, John Lee, David Mathieu, Anthony M Kaufmann, Inga S Grills, Christopher P Cifarelli, John A Vargo, Tomas Chytka, Ladislava Janouskova, Caleb E Feliciano, Rafael Rodriguez Mercado, L Dade Lunsford, and Jason P Sheehan


Risk Factors and Outcomes Associated with Treatment of Asymptomatic Bacteriuria in Hospitalized Patients, Lindsay A. Petty, Valerie M. Vaughn, Scott A. Flanders, Anurag N. Malani, Anna Conlon, Keith S. Kaye, Rama Thyagarajan, Danielle Osterholzer, Daniel Nielsen, Gregory A. Eschenauer, Sarah Bloemers, Elizabeth McLaughlin, and Tejal N. Gandhi


The emerging story of acute lymphoblastic leukemia among the Latin American population - biological and clinical implications., Elisa Quiroz, Ibrahim Aldoss, Vinod Pullarkat, Eduardo Rego, Guido Marcucci, and Dan Douer


MDS with 5q deletion and rare cKIT positive mastocytosis: a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge, Daniel Steven Sanders, Thomas Fennell, and Mohammad Muhsin Chisti


Cetuximab and methotrexate in recurrent or metastatic head and neck squamous cell carcinoma-A single institution analysis of 54 patients., Ammar Sukari, Misako Nagasaka, Maria Diab, Khaled Al Sibai, Bassel Atassi, Jailan A Elayoubi, Seongho Kim, and Ömer Küçük


Excess Antibiotic Treatment Duration and Adverse Events in Patients Hospitalized With Pneumonia: A Multihospital Cohort Study., Valerie M Vaughn, Scott A Flanders, Ashley Snyder, Anna Conlon, Mary A M Rogers, Anurag N Malani, Elizabeth McLaughlin, Sarah Bloemers, Arjun Srinivasan, Jerod Nagel, Scott Kaatz, Danielle Osterholzer, Rama Thyagarajan, Lama Hsaiky, Vineet Chopra, and Tejal N Gandhi


Rothia dentocariosa Endocarditis in an Unsuspecting Host: A Case Report and Literature Review, Stacy Willner, Zaid Imam, and Ismail Hader


Utilization of a breast cancer risk assessment tool by internal medicine residents in a primary care clinic: impact of an educational program., Siddhartha Yadav, Sarah Hartkop, Paola Yumpo Cardenas, Rand Ladkany, Alexandra Halalau, Sandor Shoichet, Michael Maddens, and Dana Zakalik


5-Fluorouracil-Associated Cardiogenic Shock., Ahmed Yeddi, Omeralfaroug Adam, Mowyad Khalid, Yasir Farah, Omer Yeddi, Hammam Shereef, Ahmed Yassin, Mohammed Yeddi, Mohamedanwar Ghandour, Mohamed Omer, Ayman Elawad, and Lubna Salih


Metronidazole-Induced Pancreatitis: Is There Underrecognition? A Case Report and Systematic Review of the Literature., Ibrahim Youssef, Naba Saeed, Mohammad El Abdallah, Kara Huevelhorst, and Kais Zakharia


Preclinical In Vitro and In Vivo Evidence of an Antitumor Effect of CX-4945, a Casein Kinase II Inhibitor, in Cholangiocarcinoma., Kais Zakharia, Katsuyuki Miyabe, Yu Wang, Dehai Wu, Catherine D Moser, Mitesh J Borad, and Lewis R Roberts


Diagnostic role of kidney injury molecule-1 in renal cell carcinoma., Kevin J. Zhang, George D. Wilson, Sam Kara, Audrey Majeske, Ping L. Zhang, and Jason M. Hafron

Submissions from 2018


Examining 30-day COPD readmissions through the emergency department., Michael E Rezaee, Charlotte E Ward, Bonita Nuanez, Daniel A Rezaee, Jeffrey Ditkoff, and Alexandra Halalau

Submissions from 2017


Mycoplasma Pneumonia: An Unrecognized Cause of Fever of Unknown Origin in an Adult., Fatima Ali-Ahmed and Alexandra Halalau


Bladder urothelial carcinoma extending to rectal mucosa and presenting with rectal bleeding., Andrew M Aneese, Vinayata Manuballa, Mitual Amin, and Mitchell S Cappell


Esophageal hemangiomatosis with chest CT revealing a fine, curvilinear, calcified thrombus within the esophagus simulating acute esophageal fishbone impaction: first reported endoscopic photograph of GI manifestations in Maffucci syndrome., Seifeldin Hakim, Tusar Desai, and Mitchell S Cappell


Two case reports of acute upper gastrointestinal bleeding from duodenal ulcers after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery: Endoscopic diagnosis and therapy by single balloon or push enteroscopy after missed diagnosis by standard esophagogastroduodenoscopy., Seifeldin Hakim, Srinivas R Rami Reddy, Mihaela Batke, Gregg Polidori, and Mitchell S Cappell


Application of Adult Learning Theory in Teaching Evidence Based Medicine to Residents, Alexandra Halalau


Anchoring bias in a case of recurrent abdominal pain., Scott Keeney and Alexandra Halalau


A unique case of nephrogenic systemic fibrosis from gadolinium exposure in a patient with normal eGFR., Sadichhya Lohani, Jon Golenbiewski, Abhishek Swami, and Alexandra Halalau


Cytomegalovirus-related transverse myelitis in an immunocompetent host: a subacute onset of an immune-mediated disease?, Xavier Merchan-Del Hierro and Alexandra Halalau


Atrioesophageal Fistula Following Radiofrequency Catheter Ablation of Atrial Fibrillation, Molly Orosey, Lohit Garg, Sahil Agrawal, Jinu J John, David E Haines, and Wai Shun Wong


Constrictive pericarditis-induced shunting through a PFO: Persistence despite pericardiectomy., Emily Schuiteman, Thomas Verrill, Nader Mina, and Bhavinkumar Dalal