Addressing CSF Leak Challenges: Anesthetic Consideration in Complex Skull Base Surgery
Document Type
Conference Proceeding
Publication Date
A 69-year-old with a past medical history of BPH, HTN, hypothyroidism, and meningioma s/p endonasal approach for a large skull base lesion along middle/posterior fossa with repair of large high flow defect. The patient had two previous postoperative CSF leak repairs with the last repair involving the use of an abdominal fat graft. The patient underwent general endotracheal intubation followed by a Valsalva maneuver to check for fluid leakage. In this presentation, we will discuss the various ways to detect CSF leaks, the criteria for repair, and the anesthetic considerations regarding intracranial pressure and regulation of CSF flow.
Recommended Citation
Elias B, Wani Z, Soto R. Addressing CSF leak challenges: anesthetic consideration in complex skull base surgery. Presented at: American Society of Anesthesiologist Annual Meeting; 2024 Oct 20; Philadelphia, PA. Available from:!/20183/presentation/7781
American Society of Anesthesiologists Annual Meeting, October 18-22, 2024, Philadelphia, PA