Submissions from 2024
Physiologically Futile and Potentially Inappropriate Interventions: Ethical Considerations and Institutional Policy, Paul Bozyk and Jason Wasserman
Enhancing Reproductive Anatomy Education: A Comprehensive Approach Integrating Near-Peer and Reciprocal Peer Tutoring, Hope Hefferan, Emelie-jo Scheffler, Erin Mueller, and Varna Taranikanti
Association of AI-Detected Social and Behavioral Factors with Frequent Emergency Department Utilization, Ramin Homayouni
Bridging the Gap: Assessing Medical Students' Inguino-Pelvic Anatomy Knowledge for Enhanced Clinical Learning, Lauren Phung, Chennai Marcus, Nicholas Schimmel, and Varna Taranikanti
Submissions from 2023
Data Science, Population Genomics, Dave Chesla and Ramin Homayouni
Clinical Research Operations, Yvonne Edgerly and Barbara Higgins
Industry Clinical Trial Budget Hot Topics, Joseph Fugitt and Richard Kennedy
An Epimetabolomics Approach to Understanding Alzheimer’s Disease, Stewart Graham
Current Biomarkers of Alzheimer’s Disease, Stewart Graham
Alzheimers and dementia care: The increasing need for early diagnosis. Elder Care Review, Stewart F. Graham
Things Your Mother Never Told You About Research Billing Compliance, Kyle Herrington
Machine Learning Using Clinical Notes: Applications in Population Health, Ramin Homayouni
New Advancements in Alzheimer's Disease Treatment, Khaled A. Imam and Stewart F. Graham
GME Research, Shanta Layton and David Sengstock
Targeting plaque-associated lysosomal cluster for diagnosis and therapeutic intervention for Alzheimer's disease, Md Golam Sharoar
Epi-Metabolomics: An Extended Central Dogma Investigation of Dementia with Lewy Bodies, Sangeetha Vishweswaraiah
Submissions from 2022
Metabolic perturbations in Parkinson’s disease, Stewart F. Graham
Population Health: Using Data Analytics to Customize Interventions & Improve Health Outcomes, Ramin Homayouni
Grant Proposal Development & Submission, Brandy Jurdzy and Pamela Sims
Monitoring the Health of a Study, Shanta Layton, Yvonne Edgerly, Barbara Higgins, and Karen Sherer
IRB Collaboration & Building a Future Together, Jessica Macha and Lynne Paul
Overview of Research, Paula Schuitemen-Bishop, Surender Rajasekaran, and Richard Kennedy
Role of Biostatistics in Medical Research, Lili Zhao