The Anesthesiologist's Role in Informed Patient Care in Vulnerable Populations

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

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An 18-year-old female G1P0 was undergoing cesarean section with epidural anesthesia for severe cephalopelvic disproportion secondary to fetal hydrocephalus. The infant’s head was approximately 70 cm in circumference. The infant had other abnormalities including multiple ventricular septal defects, micrognathia, and microtia. The patient did not understand the severity of the fetal abnormalities and looked to the anesthesiologist for information about the infant during her C-section as she perceived the obstetrician was concerned. In this poster presentation we will discuss the anesthesiologist's role in this situation and what the moral and ethical considerations are in providing informed patient care in this population.


American Society of Anesthesiologist Annual Meeting, October 12-16, 2023, San Francisco, CA
