CT-guided Transosseous Soft Tissue Biopsy: Techniques, Outcomes and Complications in 50 Cases.
PURPOSE: To describe the techniques, outcomes and complications of CT-guided transosseous biopsy of soft tissue lesions via multiple different routes.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: Clinical and radiologic data from all consecutive soft tissue biopsies performed via a transosseous approach between April 2009 and July 2015 were retrospectively compiled. Fifty biopsies performed in 50 patients (n = 17 males, n = 33 females) were included. Biopsies were performed using a 13-gauge biopsy needle which was advanced through the selected bone to the lesion margin followed by coaxial placement of either an 18- or 20-gauge biopsy gun. Sampling accuracy was determined from the final pathology report as diagnostic or non-diagnostic. Complications included rates of pneumothorax, pneumomediastinum, hemoptysis, immediate admission, chest tube insertion, surgical consultation, 30-day readmission, fracture, osteomyelitis or tract seeding.
RESULTS: Number of diagnostic samples per bone included: sternum (n = 17, 34%), rib (n = 7, 14%), scapula (n = 6, 12%), transverse process (n = 4, 8%), vertebral body (n = 4, 8%), spinous process (n = 1, 2%), ilium (n = 7, 14%), sacrum (n = 4, 8%). Complications included 10 pneumothoraces in 39 cases that crossed the pleura, 8 pneumomediastinum in 17 transsternal cases, one immediate surgical consultation and one 30-day readmission.
CONCLUSION: Transosseous biopsy approach is a technically feasible means of obtaining core needle samples of soft tissue lesions.