Comparing Cochlear Implant Outcomes in 100 Patients With Sporadic Vestibular Schwannoma Managed With Observation, Radiosurgery, or Microsurgery: A Multi-Institutional Review.
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Otology & Neurotology
OBJECTIVE: To compare cochlear implant (CI) speech perception outcomes in patients with sporadic vestibular schwannoma (VS) managed with observation, radiosurgery, or microsurgery.
STUDY DESIGN: Retrospective review.
SETTING: Eleven tertiary academic medical centers.
PATIENTS: One hundred patients with sporadic VS who received an ipsilateral CI.
INTERVENTIONS: Ipsilateral cochlear implantation.
MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Pure-tone thresholds, monosyllabic speech perception testing scores, and rates of open-set speech acquisition.
RESULTS: Of the 100 patients studied, 54 underwent microsurgery, 26 underwent radiosurgery, 19 continued observation, and 1 underwent multimodal therapy. Among all patients, the median post-implantation pure-tone average was 31 dB (interquartile range [IQR] 25-39 dB) and the median monosyllabic speech perception score was 30% (IQR 0-60%) at a median of 12 months (IQR 5-25 months) post-implantation. Patients who were managed with microsurgery (median speech perception score 11%, IQR 0-52%) exhibited poorer implant outcomes overall compared with those managed with observation (median speech perception score 52%, IQR 40-72%) or radiosurgery (median speech perception score 30%, IQR 16-60%). Open-set speech perception was achieved in 61% of patients managed with microsurgery, 100% with observation, and 80% with radiosurgery. In a multivariable setting, those managed with observation (p = 0.02) or who underwent radiosurgery (p = 0.04) were significantly more likely to achieve open-set speech perception compared with patients who underwent microsurgery.
CONCLUSIONS: Cochlear implants offer benefit in selected patients with sporadic VS. Although achieved in over half of people after microsurgery, open-set speech perception is more reliably attained in patients who are treated with observation or radiosurgery compared with microsurgical resection. These data may inform patient counseling and VS tumor management in people who may benefit from implantation.
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Dornhoffer JR, Marinelli JP, Lohse CM, Cottrell J, McMenomey SO, Roland JT Jr, et al. [Lucas JC, Babu SC]. Comparing cochlear implant outcomes in 100 patients with sporadic vestibular schwannoma managed with observation, radiosurgery, or microsurgery: a multi-institutional review. Otol Neurotol. 2024 Dec;45(10):e719-e726. doi: 10.1097/MAO.0000000000004298. PMID: 39514427.
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