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TeamSTEPPS, Emergency, tools, strategies, leadership, quality, safety
Emergency Medicine | Nursing
This study sought to provide an initial evaluation of implementing the program ‘Team Strategies and Tools to Enhance Performance and Patient Safety’ (TeamSTEPPS) in the William Beaumont Troy Emergency Department (ED). TeamSTEPPS integrates teamwork into medical practice by developing tools and strategies within leadership, situation monitoring, mutual support, and communication to increase team performance in order to improve quality, safety, and efficiency of healthcare1,2 (figure 1). It was implemented in the Troy Beaumont ED in 2017. This study was designed to determine if the program is achieving desired outcomes, identify areas for improvement, and add to the limited fund of data on the effectiveness of TeamSTEPPS in community ED’s3-5.
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Caskey B, Jones S, Berry S, Harris H, Donaldson D, Bastani A. Evaluation of implementing ‘team strategies and tools to enhance performance and patient safety’ in a community emergency department. Poster presented at: Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine Embark Capstone Colloquium; 2022 May 2; Rochester Hills, MI.

The Embark Capstone Colloquium at the Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine, Rochester Hills, MI, May 2, 2022.