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Primary Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the pancreas is a rare entity that comprises 0.05% of all exocrine pancreatic carcinomas. The main differential diagnoses of primary SCC of the pancreas are adenosquamous carcinoma- another rare primary tumor of the pancreas and metastatic SCC from another primary site.
Squamous cell carcinoma of the pancreas is a controversial entity of uncertain origin, as the pancreas is entirely devoid of squamous cells[1] • Adenosquamous carcinomas may be misdiagnosed in case of inadequate sampling of adenocarcinoma component. • Literature is limited to a few case reports, and has shown pancreatic SCC to be an aggressive cancer with a poor prognosis. • Isolated reports are available on the use of gemcitabine and newer taxane formulations, but the response to chemotherapy or radiotherapy is sub-optimal. • Similar to breast, ovarian, and endometrial cancers; pancreatic cancers can be genetically inherited. • As with all pancreatic cancers, surgical resection of the tumor has been the most effective modality, however treatment with targeted immunotherapy could be promising in unresectable tumors with targetable mutations.
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primary squamous cell carcinoma, pancreas
Hematology | Internal Medicine | Oncology | Pathology
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Thapa B, Kark UJ, Ghimire B, Pokharel A, Niroula S, Chisti MM. A case of pancreatic squamous cell cancer. American College of Physicians Michigan Chapter Annual Scientific Meeting; 2022 Oct 13-16; Bellaire, MI.

American College of Physicians Michigan Chapter Annual Scientific Meeting, October 13-16, 2022, Bellaire, MI.