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A phytobezoar is defined as the composition of indigestible food particles found in the GI tract, primarily composed of plant material, such as fibers and cellulose.
Any individual may develop a phytobezoar, but those with altered gastrointestinal anatomy or decreased motility are at highest risk.
They often present with nausea, vomiting, and/or symptoms of gastric outlet syndrome.
Complications include ulcerations, bleeding, bowel obstruction, and/or perforation.
Thus, complete removal is the ultimate treatment.
Publication Date
Gastroenterology | Internal Medicine
Recommended Citation
Glover K, Aldridge J, March T, Grodman J, Kathawa J. A bizarre Halloween: a rare etiology of phytobezoar. Presented at Beaumont Hospital Farmington Hills 2023 Alvin Yarrows Research Day; 2023 May 4; Farmington Hills, MI.

2023 Alvin Yarrows Research Day at Beaumont Hospital Farmington Hills, Farmington Hills, MI, May 4, 2023.