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In patients presenting with iron deficiency anemia, blood loss must be considered as an etiology. This is especially important in patients who are planned to undergo invasive procedure or need to be on antiplatelets or anticoagulation.
Gastric polyps are noted to be present in 6% of EGDs, and are mostly incidentally detected. Many gastric polyps have similar endoscopic appearances and some of them have malignant potential, hence histolopathology is important. Gastric hyperplastic polyps are strongly associated with inflammatory disorders such as chronic gastritis, H. pylori gastritis, and pernicious anemia.1 Other gastric polyps: – Fundic gland polyps – Adenomatous polyps: High malignant potential – Gastric neuroendocrine tumors – Inflammatory fibroid polyps
Occult blood loss must be considered in differential diagnosis for new onset iron deficiency anemia. Even though gastric polyps may be incidentally detected, histopathology is important to rule out malignancy.
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gastric polyps, blood loss, anemia
Gastroenterology | Internal Medicine
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Aggarwal N, Nepupane R, Rana K. Gastric polyps leading to occult blood loss. Presented at American College of Physicians Michigan Chapter Annual Scientific Meeting; 2022 Oct 13-16; Bellaire, MI.

American College of Physicians Michigan Chapter Annual Scientific Meeting, October 13-16, 2022, Bellaire, MI.