Submissions from 2024
Hyperthyroidism and Other Causes of Thyrotoxicosis, Dania Assad
Submissions from 2023
Obesity & Medications, Michael Brennan
Thyroid Disorders, Michael Brennan
100 Years - The Costs and Management of Diabetes, Michael R. Brennan
Updates in Lipid Management, Leedor Lieberman
Submissions from 2022
Inpatient Management of Diabetes: Update and Pearls, Abdul Al-Kassab
Diabetic Agents that Prevent CV Events: What Every Practitioner Needs to Know, Michael Brennan
Osteoporosis, Breaking News!, Michael Brennan
Primer on Adrenal Insufficiency, Michael Brennan
The Clinician's Guide to Type 2 Diabetes, Michael Brennan
Diabetes Update, Lima Lawrence
Thyroid Radiofrequency Ablation (RFA), Lowell Schmeltz
Osteoporosis, Daniel Shelden
Submissions from 2021
Diabetes: What's new in Type 2?, Michael R. Brennan
Thyroid Disease, Michael R. Brennan
Practical Update in Cardiology 2021, Simon R. Dixon, Terry R. Bowers, Ivan D. Hanson, Amr Abbas, Akash Rusia, Michael R. Brennan, Nishaki Mehta, Michael J. Gallagher, Richard Bloomingdale, Julie Zenger Hain, Justin E. Trivax, Ilana Kutinsky, Kavitha Chinnaiyan, and Florian Bukovec