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Hidradenitis suppurative (HS) is a chronic inflammatory skin condition with lesions that include deep-seated nodules and abscesses, draining tracts, and fibrotic scars, most commonly occurring in the axillae and groin.1-2
▪ The progression of HS leads to complications, including inflammation, abscesses, scarring, chronic pain, lymphatic obstruction, and squamous cell carcinoma.1,3
▪ Management is considerably easier with a correct early diagnosis, yet there is an average delay of seven years to make the definitive diagnosis.3-4
▪ Psychological impacts include depressed mood and anxiety, affecting work efforts and social relationships.1,3 ▪ Our research aimed to assess the baseline knowledge and comfort of primary care residents in diagnosing and managing HS. We analyzed whether a ten-minute educational session would change comfort levels.
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Hidradenitis suppurative
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Burr Z, Calderon P, Kartono F. Assessing knowledge and comfort level of primary care resident physicians in the management of hidradenitis suppurativa quality improvement study. Presented at Beaumont Hospital Farmington Hills 2023 Alvin Yarrows Research Day; 2023 May 4; Farmington Hills, MI.

2023 Alvin Yarrows Research Day at Beaumont Hospital Farmington Hills, Farmington Hills, MI, May 4, 2023