Evaluation of Physician, Pharmacist, Nurse and Patient Agreement on New Medication Counseling Points

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Date


Publication Title

Ohio Pharmacy Residency Conference


Purpose: Patients who are knowledgeable about their medications are more adherent and more satisfied with their care than less-informed patients. However, healthcare providers often communicate inadequate information to patients during medication counseling and there is limited research assessing what should be discussed during counseling. The objective of this study is to compare opinions of healthcare providers and patients on the relative importance of counseling points for newly prescribed medications. Methods: This is a cross-sectional analysis evaluating the opinions of nurses, pharmacists, physicians, and inpatients regarding counseling points that are discussed during medication education. Two versions of a 15-item survey were developed and administered to healthcare providers and patients at Beaumont Hospital, Dearborn from September 2020 through March 2021. Questions focused on demographic characteristics of respondents and opinions on the relative importance of medication counseling points. Specifically, respondents stratified a list of 15 counseling points into three categories: “very important,” “somewhat important,” and “least important.” The Fisher’s exact test was used to compare differences between the two cohorts. An alpha value of 0.001 was considered significant. Results: A total of 100 patients and 208 healthcare providers completed the survey. Both cohorts, on average, perceived the same five counseling points to be most important in medication counseling: name, purpose, side effects, dose, and frequency of the medication (p>0.05 for all analyses). Patients considered administration timing, therapeutic duration, food interactions and storage as more important than providers (p Conclusions: Healthcare providers and patients agreed on the five most important counseling points to be discussed during medication counseling. Consensus among healthcare professionals on the relative importance of many counseling points is lacking.

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