
Submissions from 2024


Multidisciplinary Approach to Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension Therapy Transitions, Bhavinkumar D. Dalal, Jacqueline Brewer, and Tania Saeed


Hypo Fractionated External Beam Irradiation With Single Fraction HDR Boost in the Treatment of Intermediate / High Risk Prostate Cancer, James Fontanesi, Siddarth Ramanathan, Chen Shen, Tara Lesnew, Jeffrey Schock, Sity Girgis, William Johnston, Gregory McIntosh, Victoria Williams, and Kenneth Lim


Developing Practice Guidelines for Preparation and Infusion of Cellular Therapy Products, C Rimkus, A Rumsey, J Miles, M Skinner, J Stiles, E Sheldon, T Eunson, Adelaide Van Lier, Krystal Waldrup, and Lynn Vanregenmorter


Barriers to Establishing a Chimeric Antigen Receptor T-Cell (CAR-T) Therapy Program Without a Pre-Established Bone Marrow Transplant Program, Krystal Waldrup, Ishmael Jaiyesimi, Lauren Burgett, Melissa Pirkola, Adelaide van Lier, Annemarie Scanio, Kasey Thayer, and Katie Gaches

Submissions from 2023


Outcomes of Escalation of Care Versus Standard Anticoagulation for Intermediate-High RIsk Pulmonary Embolism: An Experienced PERT Approach, Dinu-Valentin Balanescu, Adam M. Tawney, Vicki McNally, James A. Goldstein, and Terry R. Bowers


ECMO and Calcium Channel Blocker Overdose: A Systematic Review, Daniel J. Finn, Jackson Stevens, Michael Tolkacz, John Robinson, Eric Simpson, and Anthony Iacco


Fractional Carbon Dioxide Vaginal Laser for the Treatment of Urinary Sympotoms: 24 Month Results, Natalija Kovacevic, Bernadette Zwaans, Ly Hoang Roberts, Annah Vollstedt, Hailey Eisner, Lauren Tennyson, Evelyn Shea, Lisa Vergos, Danielle Tenney, Larry Sirls, Priya Padmanabhan, and Kenneth M. Peters

Submissions from 2022


Making Our Bed: WOC Nurse-Led Initiative to Replace Aging Hospital Beds to Decrease Pressure Injuries, Eileen Blodgett, Angela Oltean, Kamel Rahmani, Nancy Wong, Sonia Garcia, and Bethany McDade


Consensus Guidance on When to Choose a Convex Pouching System in the Postoperative Period, Janice Colwell, Janet Davis, Krisztina Emodi, Jane Fellows, Mary Mahoney, Bethany McDade, Sima Porten, Elizabeth Raskin, Melanie Goodman, and Terran W. Sims


WOCing Around the Web: A Web Page to Guide the Bedside Nurse For WOC Care, Jessica Cox-Reber, Ashley Stoeckle, Mackenzie Rauch, and Teresa McCartney


Incidence, Risk Factors and Clinical Outcomes of Cervical Hematoma: An Analysis From the Michigan Spine Surgery Improvement Collaborative Registry, Richard W. Easton, Matthew Easton, Nicholas S. Papakonstantinou, Brady Vibert, Bradley Ahlgren, Matthew Lipphardt, Hsueh-Han Yeh, Lonni R. Schultz, and Cecile Pestano


ERAS Protocol Associated With Improved Measurable Outcomes in Patients Undergoing Lumbar Spinal Fusion, Richard W. Easton, Matthew Lipphardt, Nicholas S. Papakonstantinou, Daniel Silvasi, Gregory Smith, Nai-Wei Chen, Austin Ahlgren, Brandon Ahlgren, Brady Vibert, Andrew Sagante, and Cecile Pestano


Let Them Play: A Prospective Study of Postoperative Activity Restrictions in Children, Rachel Harvey, Diane Studzinsk, Angela England, Robert Morden, Nathan M. Novotny, Anthony Stallion, and Begum Akay


Discharging Low-risk Pulmonary Embolism From An Emergency Room, Radwa Koujane, Matthew Drogowski, Ali Abou-Alaiwi, Joshua Newson, Vicki McNally, Nai-Wei Chen, David Berger, and Danielle Turner-Lawrence


Responsive Neurostimulation (RNS) of the Centromedian Nucleus of the Thalamus for the Treatment of Drug Resistant Idiopathic Generalized Epilepsy, Angelique Manasseh, Hannah Guider, Brooklynn Bondy, Ayman Haykal, Nour Baki, Ashleigh Terrell, Michael Staudt, Christopher Parres, and Andrew Zillgitt


Ostomy Through the Ages: Creating WOC Interventions in Response to Age-Related Barriers to Ostomy Independence and Self-Care, Ruth Ann Pendergrast, Maureen Rosette, Karen Genter, and Susan Veltigian


TXA Vs No TXA: Transexamic Acid in Lumbar Fusion, Retrospective Study Comparison, Cecile Pestano, Richard W. Easton, Matthew Lipphardt, Matthew Easton, Nai-Wei Chen, Nicholas S. Papakonstantinou, Bradley Ahlgren, and Brady Vibert


Fractional Carbon Dioxide Vaginal Laser for the Treatment of Urinary Symptoms: 12 Months Results, Ly Hoang Roberts, Annah Vollstedt, Hailey Eisner, Lauren Tennyson, Evelyn Shea, Lisa Vargos, Danielle Tenney, Bernadette Zwaans, Larry Sirls, Priya Padmanabhan, and Kenneth Peters


21 Gy Single Fraction Prostate HDR Brachytherapy: Mature Results of a Single Institution Prospective Study, Kamran Salari, Hong Ye, Evelyn Sebastian, Amy Limbacher, Matthew Johnson, Beth Mitchell, Andrew Thompson, Zachary Seymour, Sirisha Nandalur, and Daniel Krauss


Fat-Burner Fiasco: Acute Liver Failure Secondary to Fat-Burner Supplements, Tanaz Salimnia, Naryana R. Gandham, Michelle Andriacchi, and Sanjay Dogra


Survey of Clinical Practice in the Postoperative Period: Assessing the Use of a Convex Pouching System, Janet Stoia-Davis, Janice Colwell, Krisztina Emodi, Jane Fellows, Mikel Gray, Mary Mahoney, Bethany McDade, Sima Porten, Elizabeth Raskin, and Matthew Kelly


Screening for post-traumatic stress disorder in ECMO survivors, Gregory J. Thomas, Alan Tom, Kathleen Swartz, Diane Studzinski, Rose E. Callahan, and Megan Iacco


Auditing: does it increase fall compliance?, Carly Williams, Clara Beaver, and Catherine Cook

Submissions from 2021

Emotional Intelligence and Nurse Anesthesia., Andrea Bittinger


Impairment in Anesthesia., Andrea Bittinger


Emotional Intelligence and Nurse Anesthesia., Andrea C. Bittinger

Cervical Endocrine Surgery with a Novel Opioid-Limited Perioperative Protocol, Elizabeth Boudiab, Morta Lapkus, Jordan Reilly, Diane M. Studzinski, Peter Czako, Moumen Asbahi, Michael Schostak, Carol Schmidt, and Sapna Nagar

Honoring Life and Offering Hope, L Caurdy-Bess and L Muma


Creation and implementation of an intraoperative lidocaine infusion protocol for gastric surgery, Kayla Donnay, Eric Howard, Lindsey Krueger, Linda McDonald, and Kyle Nelson

Multidisciplinary Management of Rectal Cancer Affecting Access to Comprehensive Care and Overall Cancer-Free Survival, Zachary Dreyer, Shelli Bergeron, Roula Hilli, and Harry Wasvary


From the Operating Room to the Front Lines: Shared Experiences of Nurse Anesthetists During the Coronavirus Pandemic, Marjorie Everson, Bryan A. Wilbanks, Anne Marie Hranchook, Maria Hirsch, Beth Ann Clayton, Lorraine M. Jordan, and Vicki Callan

Evaluation of Physician, Pharmacist, Nurse and Patient Agreement on New Medication Counseling Points, Lena Farhat, Nedeen F. Berry, Anne Prouty, Sean McConachie, and Insaf Mohammad


Stimwave for Pudendal Neuralgia, Ly Hoang Roberts, Joshua Volin, Teresa McCartney, Annah Vollstedt, and Kenneth M. Peters


StimWave for Pudendal Neuralgia, Ly Hoang Roberts, Joshua Volin, Teresa McCartney, Annah Vollstedt, and Kenneth M. Peters


Stimwave for Pudendal Neuralgia., Ly Hoang Roberts, Annah Vollstedt, Joshua Volin, Teresa McCartney, and Kenneth Peters

Virtual Reality ... The New Normal?, Laura Rodgers

Anesthesia for TAVR, when less is more, L Shannon


Examining enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) protocol compliance, Joseph Vecore, Jonathon Baich, and Linda McDonald